If You run jenkins on windows machine I may save You some hours.
I wanted to copy some files from my job’s workspace to a network share which needed authentication. So XCOPY wasn’t enough, I looked for some other solution. The Publish Over CIFS plugin can handle this situation, so I installed and configured it and added a new “Send build artifact to windows share” post build step to my job.
After a quick build delay I found these lines at the end of the build’s console output:
CIFS: Connecting from host [atlas] CIFS: Connecting with configuration [fileserver DEPLOY share] ... CIFS: Removing WINS from name resolution CIFS: Setting response timeout [30 000] CIFS: Setting socket timeout [35 000] CIFS: cleaning [smb://fileserver.mecset.local/DEPLOY/ArdinTemplatingRedmineConnector/] CIFS: Disconnecting configuration [fileserver DEPLOY share] ... CIFS: Transferred 0 file(s)
0 files transferred? I naturally have some result files, so I checked paths, etc. No errors but no files copied.
After a short 2 hours of trial-and-errors I realized: despite the hosting windows isn’t the plugin IS CASE SENSITIVE! Grrrrr…
My source files were set to:
After changed to:
everything worked fine.
Nothing was written on plugins wiki pages about this so if some source engine bringed You here I hope it helps.