Oracle JDBC connection problem: Undefined Error

I am posting about this problem just to increment count of pages which are referencing the solution.

During connecting to Oracle Db via JDBC driver one of my colleagues reported the following exception:

 java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: Kimeneti-bemeneti hiba: Undefined Error
     at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(
     at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.connect(
     at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(
Caused by: Undefined Error
     at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.connect(
     at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(

No others were facing this among the team. Only her.

Don’t care about hungarian error message, let’s see the NetException: Undefined Error during negotiateConnection() call.

If You try to google around You will find virtually nothing about this message. Each time I realize such a result I am going to think that we are doing something wrong. Few or no search results used to mean that nobody facing such a problem because nobody does things in the way we have done. So our way is bad by design or just having a trivial bug what nobody implemented before. But this time my intuition was wrong.

In 21th century there are still places in the world where people think the only characters which really exists are those which are visible in ASCII table. We, programmers, despite we all have unicode in our software languages tend to use plain ASCII in our code, variable names, comments, commit messages, etc. So during software development really rare that our coding environment’s components, like IDE, compiler, runtime, etc. meet characters which are aliens: ö, ó, é

Unfortunately there are natural languages which are filled with such a characters. What’s more there are natural languages which have no ASCII characters at all 🙂

The above considerations may lead to few google search results too. The problem is a real problem, because only few people were holding combinations where these aliens meet a software which have bug about this.

A bug like Oracle’s #12744662.

Oracle JDBC driver is using property for some reason which on Windows equals to username stored in environment variable %USERNAME%.

Windows default install uses full personal name for username.

My colleague has characters of above kind in her name.

So Undefined Error in her case means: “I don’t like You because You have non-ASCII characters in Your name but I should not have error message strings with such a content so I leave it simply undefined.”

The solution: add to JVM’s startup or just change Your name 🙂

Solution was found on a russian forum posted by user 0FD. All credits going there.

Yes, this was one of google’s few search results.


Welcome back!

I just solved a Db connection problem which has to be posted here. But before I do it I must to say something why wasnt posted anything on this blog for more than one year.

Dont be afraid, nothing happened to Your favorite blogger just I was working hard.

As You may noticed before I dont have an internal force which pushes me to write daily just for fun. This blog intended to be a place for interesting things I meet during my IT related work. If no such things happen there will be no posts here. If I cannot collect enough information to tailor a full post to You there will be no post too. If I cannot allocate a time slice or can only take it from my family there will be no posts too.

Just checked time entries in our Redmine system what was I doing meanwhile. I only saw lots of contributions to our legacy systems.

However some noticable things raised but neither were a kind of minute-related things. They were not Problems which had a Solution.

I am having a philosophycal-practical notion about automatized software testing which I built up during daily practice of TDD.

I am experiencing with Arduino and having small projects related to toys my children have.

I am influenced with Java now.

Hope You will read some posts about these soon here 🙂

Renaming ASMX [WebMethod] parameter preserving compatibility

Sometimes people change their mind and feel better when a parameter named green gets its name changed according its meaning in code, e.g. isProceedingAllowed. We all know that this is a kind of simplest refactoring steps improving code readablity. Why not to do it? It shouldnt break anything, it can be done even manually because parameter name scope is local to the method and if we keep rule of short and overviewable methods then it is a simple task.
But we can make a big mistake.
Renaming a parameter of an old-fashioned ASMX webservice method will break the SOAP contract resulting in magic problems!

Here is a demo code:

[WebMethod("A fancy method doing extraordinary things with its parameter")]
public string CheckSMS(string strSMS)
    // an undiscloseable thing happen here...

If I would rename the parameter from Hungarian notation to smsNumber that parameter value would be always null until the callers refresh their access code or proxies to reflect change in WSDL we triggered via this rename. And these callers may spread around the whole world or simply sit at one hardly moving client, so the refresh wont be possible in acceptable time (people live only 70-80 years).

That null can be really anoying. Your webmethod may have other parameters which all get their right values from the caller, but the renamed one gets nothing. Without any signs of error. In not-so-often-used situation You may already forget about the rename and only get the issue ticket about some missbehaving service which throws NullReferenceExceptions with deep stacktraces in Your business logic (eh, You didnt read my article about Method implementation pattern? That exception must be thrown at all public entrypoints!). After checking the caller that it is really transmits that parameter value, and after checking that Your code really forwards it well You may think about communication related things.

The asmx trace can be switched on quickly by adding the following in web.config:

    <trace autoflush="true" />
        <source name="System.Web.Services.Asmx">
                <add name="AsmxTraceFile" 
                     traceOutputOptions="LogicalOperationStack, DateTime, Timestamp, ProcessId, ThreadId" />
        <add name="System.Web.Services.Asmx" value="Verbose"  />

In log file You will notice the warning below:

System.Web.Services.Asmx Warning: 0 : Az adott kontextusban egy nem várt <strSMS xmlns=''>..</strSMS> elem szerepel. A várt elemek:

Yes, it is in hungarian because the given locale there, but try to figure out, okay? 🙂

So how can we handle this?
We can always instruct XmlSerializer to use an alias name:

public string CheckSMS([XmlElement("strSMS")]string smsNumber)

But the result dont helps to much: our webmethod will be okay with the new name, but all the callers may use only the obsolete one. No fallbacks, cannot use multiple names for a parameter.
There is a XmlChoiceIdentifierAttribute which – according to its AttributeTargets may be used on parameters too, but I couldnt figure out how. All examples are about classes and their members not method parameters.

It would be nice to have an attribute which we could use like this even multiple times (because we cannot fix our always changing mind; naming is a BIG problem…):

[ParameterNameChangedSoapExtension("smsNumber", "strSMS")]
[ParameterNameChangedSoapExtension("smsNumber", "SMS")]
public string CheckSMS(string smsNumber)

Here came the SoapExtensions in the picture.
You can chain Your code into SOAP request-response (yes, must into both of them) processing.
Searching the net for SoapExtension You will find some examples and quickly realise that they are almost the same: how to log the contents of incoming and outgoing SOAP messages. But we need to modify those messages which isnt well documented. Even MSDN article named “Altering the SOAP Message Using SOAP Extensions” has only that logging sample which is the root of all other samples I mentioned before I think.

This is the reason of this post. It took hours to figure out how it works and how can I achive my goal here.
The results must be shared. Here comes the code:

    public class ParameterNameChangedSoapExtension : SoapExtension
        private Stream streamChainedAfterUs = null;
        private Stream streamChainedBeforeUs = null;

        private const int STREAMBUFFERSIZE = 65535;

        private ParameterNameChangedSoapExtensionAttribute parameterNameChangedSoapExtensionAttribute = null;

        public override Stream ChainStream(Stream stream)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
            Stream ret = null;

            this.streamChainedBeforeUs = stream;
            this.streamChainedAfterUs = new MemoryStream();
            ret = this.streamChainedAfterUs;

            return ret;

        public override object GetInitializer(Type serviceType)
            throw new NotSupportedException();

        public override object GetInitializer(LogicalMethodInfo methodInfo, SoapExtensionAttribute attribute)
            if (attribute == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("attribute");
            object ret = attribute;
            return ret;

        public override void Initialize(object initializer)
            if (initializer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("initializer");
            parameterNameChangedSoapExtensionAttribute = initializer as ParameterNameChangedSoapExtensionAttribute;

            // sanity
            if (parameterNameChangedSoapExtensionAttribute == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("initializer must be of type {0}, but its a {1}!", typeof(ParameterNameChangedSoapExtensionAttribute), initializer.GetType()));

        public override void ProcessMessage(SoapMessage message)
            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("message");
                case SoapMessageStage.BeforeSerialize:
                case SoapMessageStage.AfterSerialize:
                    // no business here; we are just part of chain so must participate well
                    streamChainedAfterUs.Position = 0;
                    Copy(streamChainedAfterUs, streamChainedBeforeUs);
                case SoapMessageStage.BeforeDeserialize:
                    // here are we doing the magic!
                    streamChainedAfterUs.Position = 0;
                case SoapMessageStage.AfterDeserialize:
                    throw new NotImplementedException(message.Stage.ToString());

        private void UpdateMessage(SoapMessage message)
            // get the original raw msg
            var soapMsgAsString = ReadOriginalSoapMessage();
            var soapMsgRootNode = XElement.Parse(soapMsgAsString);

            // extract namespace info
            var callDescriptorNode = FindCallDescriptorNode(soapMsgRootNode, message.MethodInfo.Name);
            var ns = callDescriptorNode.Name.Namespace;

            // look for parameter named obsolete
            var originalNameWeLookFor = ns + parameterNameChangedSoapExtensionAttribute.OriginalParameterName;

            var nodeWithOriginalName = callDescriptorNode.Elements().FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == originalNameWeLookFor);
            if (nodeWithOriginalName != null)
                // found, lets replace!
                var nodeWithCurrentName = new XElement(ns + parameterNameChangedSoapExtensionAttribute.CurrentParameterName, nodeWithOriginalName.Value);

            // write what we had or what we made from it

        private XElement FindCallDescriptorNode(XElement soapMsgRootNode, string methodName)
            XElement ret = null;
            var soapBodyName = soapMsgRootNode.Name.Namespace + "Body";
            var soapBodyNode = soapMsgRootNode.Elements().First(i => i.Name == soapBodyName);

            ret = soapBodyNode.Elements().First(i => i.Name.LocalName == methodName);

            return ret;

        private void WriteResultSoapMessage(string msg)
            streamChainedAfterUs.Position = 0;
            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(streamChainedAfterUs, Encoding.UTF8, STREAMBUFFERSIZE, true))

        private string ReadOriginalSoapMessage()
            string ret = null;

            using (var sr = new StreamReader(streamChainedBeforeUs, Encoding.UTF8, false, STREAMBUFFERSIZE, true))
                ret = sr.ReadToEnd();

            return ret;

        private void Copy(Stream from, Stream to)
            using (var sr = new StreamReader(from, Encoding.UTF8, false, STREAMBUFFERSIZE, true))
                using (var sw = new StreamWriter(to, Encoding.UTF8, STREAMBUFFERSIZE, true))
                    var content = sr.ReadToEnd();

First You must understand the thing about ChainStream method and the streams around it. All samples mention them as oldStream and newStream but that isnt correct. Our extension fits inside other extensions in some order. Our input is the output of an other extension or the framework itself and our output will be input for yet another one. And there is a twist: in response processing these steps occure in reverse: the stream which was output before becomes our input now and vica versa! So the old/new or input/output distinction is very misleading thats why I call them streamChainedAfterUs and streamChainedBeforeUs.
According to this usage we should always care about our stream position so the next processing entity can find it at right place.

Between public methods the ProcessMessage is the important one. All others are described in documentation and has kind of infrastructure rules.
As I mentioned before when we write a SoapExtension we must participate in both of request and response processing. Thats the reason of the simple Copy step in ProcessMessage implemetation.

The solution to our problem can be found in UpdateMessage method. We parse the SOAP message, we look for obsolete parameter name and replace it with the current one if found. Thats all.
As a result our webmethod has a “good” parameter name (at the time of this writing, hehehe), generates WSDL with that name, BUT accepts calls with all the obsolete names too!

At the end here is the attribute code to have a full solution:

    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple=true)]
    public class ParameterNameChangedSoapExtensionAttribute : SoapExtensionAttribute
        public override Type ExtensionType
            get { return typeof(ParameterNameChangedSoapExtension); }

        public override int Priority { get; set; }

        public string CurrentParameterName { get; private set; }
        public string OriginalParameterName { get; private set; }

        public ParameterNameChangedSoapExtensionAttribute(string currentParameterName, string originalParameterName)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentParameterName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("currentParameterName");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(originalParameterName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("originalParameterName");

            this.CurrentParameterName = currentParameterName;
            this.OriginalParameterName = originalParameterName;

Jesus, still reading? This is the 280th line! 🙂

Empty enumerables initialized to null by DefaultModelBinder

As I mentioned before the ASP.NET MVC5’s DefaultModelBinder has some quirks. The actual one I met some days ago is the following.

public class MyViewModel
    public IEnumerable<int> IntList { get; set; }

What happens, when You call Your method with this JSON request?

{ IntList:[] }

I would like to find an empty IEnumerable<int> instance in IntList, but I will found null there.
Why? Because the DefaultModelBinder initializes my empty collection to null.

What You can do to avoid this is to write a custom model binder for this:

public class EmptyEnumerableCapableDefaultModelBinder:DefaultModelBinder
    public override object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
       object ret = base.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext);

       WorkaroundEmptyEnumerablesInitializedToNullByDefaultModelBinder(ret, controllerContext, bindingContext);

       return ret;

private void WorkaroundEmptyEnumerablesInitializedToNullByDefaultModelBinder(object model, ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
    if (model != null)
        // workaround case when there is an IEnumerable<> member and there is a "member":[] in request
        // but default binder inits member to null

        var candidateList = bindingContext.PropertyMetadata
            .Where(kvp => bindingContext.PropertyFilter(kvp.Key))
            .Where(kvp => TypeHelper.IsSubclassOf(kvp.Value.ModelType, typeof(IEnumerable<>)))
            .Where(kvp => !bindingContext.ValueProvider.ContainsPrefix(kvp.Key)).ToArray();
        if (candidateList.Any())
            if (!controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.ContentType.StartsWith("application/json"))
                throw new NotImplementedException(controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.ContentType);

            var json = GetJSONRequestBody(controllerContext);

            foreach(var candidate in candidateList)
                var emptyEnumerablePattern = String.Format("\"{0}\":[],", candidate.Key);
                if (json.Contains(emptyEnumerablePattern))
                    var pd = bindingContext.ModelType.GetProperty(candidate.Key);
                    var anEmptyArray = Array.CreateInstance(pd.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0], 0);
                    pd.SetValue(model, anEmptyArray);

private string GetJSONRequestBody(ControllerContext controllerContext)
    string ret = null;

    var inputStream = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.InputStream;
    inputStream.Position = 0;

    using (var sr = new StreamReader(inputStream, controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.ContentEncoding, false, 1024, true))
        ret = sr.ReadToEnd();

    return ret;

The point is to check the inputs on DefaultModelBinder’s null result whether it missed an empty enumerable on binding.
The valueProviders available in context are useless because they simply dont contain our IntList value. Instead I check our
target viewmodel for possible candidates and check their values directly in request. If an empty value found in request I
replace the binder result with an empty array instance which fits into IEnumerable<T> place.

What happens when the programmer gets no info on time?

In case mentioned in title she/he may implement an ugly feature like this:

c:\>sgen.exe /p /force MyAssembly.dll
Microsoft (R) Xml Serialization support utility
[Microsoft (R) .NET Framework, Version 4.0.30319.33440]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Assembly 'MyAssembly.dll' does not contain any types that can be serialized using XmlSerializer. Please use /verbose switch for more information.

Okay, let’s do it with /verbose flag:

c:\>sgen.exe /p /force /verbose MyAssembly.dll
Microsoft (R) Xml Serialization support utility
[Microsoft (R) .NET Framework, Version 4.0.30319.33440]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Assembly 'MyAssembly.dll' does not contain any types that can be serialized using XmlSerializer.

Funny, isn’t it?

KeyValuePair<,> capable ASP.NET MVC5 model binder

Once upon a day I created a viewmodel class:

public class MyViewModel
    public List<KeyValuePair<string, int>> MyList { get; set; }

I wanted to use it as a parameter in my MVC action method. The wonderful model binding feature of MVC allows me to do that and it seemed to be working without error.
I got the exact number of key value pairs in my list property but the Key and Value props were always null and 0. I repeat: without any error!

After checking DefaultModelBinder’s source I realized that it will never work: KeyValuePair<,> is a struct, so assigning to variable means a copy and it’s members are readonly so can be set only during construction. The logic in DefaultModelBinder is different: it creates the model objects, handles them over via variable assignations, evaluates their member values and then assigns those values to members. There is a workaround implemented inside related to Dictionary<,>, but it’s logic isn’t reusable for my situation because the programmer didn’t intended to allow that (private methods) and the logic there is a bit smells for me.

There are solutions on the net, but those I found suffer from one common problem: they evaluate Key and Value on their onnw, which skips some goods of model binding, e.g. validation and model state propagation. Not too good.

Here comes my solution. 🙂

First I created a new default model binder which in case of KeyValuePair<,> model type calls my BindModelViaKeyValuePairSubstitute from BindModel method but leaves all other things handled by original implementation.

public class KeyValuePairCapableDefaultModelBinder:DefaultModelBinder
    public override object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
       object ret = null;

       if (TypeHelper.IsSubclassOf(bindingContext.ModelType, typeof(KeyValuePair<,>)))
           ret = BindModelViaKeyValuePairSubstitute(controllerContext, bindingContext);
           ret = base.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext);

       return ret;

I created a substitute class which overcomes the limitations: not a struct and has writable members.
To make the trick transparent to model binding the substitute class must contain members of same name and type as the KeyValuePair<,> we want to handle.

        /// <summary>
        /// KeyValuePair substitute.
        /// </summary>
        private class KeyValuePairSubstitute<TKey, TValue> : KeyValuePairSubstituteBase
            public TKey Key { get { return (TKey)KeyAsObject; } set { KeyAsObject = value; } }
            public TValue Value { get { return (TValue)ValueAsObject; } set { ValueAsObject = value; } }

            public KeyValuePairSubstitute()
                // set values to defaults to avoid NullReferenceExceptions when trying to get
                // an uninitialized null value from a generic type which cannot stand that (e.g. int).
                this.Key = default(TKey);
                this.Value = default(TValue);
        /// <summary>
        /// Base class for KeyValuePair substitute to allow access to generic values in handy way.
        /// </summary>
        private class KeyValuePairSubstituteBase
            public object KeyAsObject { get; set; }
            public object ValueAsObject { get; set; }

Now my BindModelViaKeyValuePairSubstitute is trivial.
The logic here is to let DefaultModelBinder bind our substitute object instead of a KeyValuePair<,> and then instantiate a KeyValuePair<,> from that object’s content.

        /// <summary>
        /// Default BindModel call doesnt handle KeyValuePair well, because it is a struct and has readonly props.
        /// It will return an instance with default values without any error!
        /// </summary>
        private object BindModelViaKeyValuePairSubstitute(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
            object ret = null;

            var keyValuePairSubstituteGeneric = typeof(KeyValuePairSubstitute<,>).MakeGenericType(bindingContext.ModelType.GetGenericArguments());

            var kvpBindingContext = new ModelBindingContext()
                ModelMetadata = ModelMetadataProviders.Current.GetMetadataForType(null, keyValuePairSubstituteGeneric),
                ModelName = bindingContext.ModelName,
                ModelState = bindingContext.ModelState,
                ValueProvider = bindingContext.ValueProvider

            var keyValuePairSubstitute = (KeyValuePairSubstituteBase)base.BindModel(controllerContext, kvpBindingContext);

            ret = Activator.CreateInstance(bindingContext.ModelType, keyValuePairSubstitute.KeyAsObject, keyValuePairSubstitute.ValueAsObject);
            return ret;

The last step: the new model binder should be registered in Application_Start as usual:

            ModelBinders.Binders.DefaultBinder = new CustomModelBinder();

That’s all. You have bindable and validable KeyValuePair<,>s now!

Danger of IEnumerables

IEnumerables and IEnumerable<T>s are a good thing:

  • They allow returning set of values with a minimum contract and behaviour promise. You may alter the underlying data structure later to virtually anything, because nobody was able to use Your retval in a way You didnt mention. For example if You used a List instead Your retval consumers may add to or remove items from it and become coupled to that retval type. See next too.
  • They allow returning unchangeable “lists”. Did You ever hunted a bug where Your retval instance was containing values which wasnt created by Your method?
  • They may be lazy. You shouldnt known that Your retval consumers how want to use Your data. You may have a resource eater mapping process to run on 1000s of items, but the consumer may only want the Firts() item!
  • LINQ. Just the whole thing uses IEnumerable‘s features and is returning something of this type.
  • Etc. There could be a lot of things.

So I tend to be using these as a retval in every place where the only thing I want to return multiple instances of something.

Now the 50cent question: will this test run green?


public void MyTestMethod()
    IEnumerable<MyClass> result = GetMyClassList();
    Assert.AreSame(result.First(), result.First());

Yes? Are You sure? Sure! The first item of an IEnumerable will always be the same!
Or not?
Lets see GetMyClassList‘s implementation:


public IEnumerable<MyClass> GetMyClassList()
    IEnumerable<MyClass> ret = new MyClass[] { new MyClass(1) };
    return ret;

Yes, in case of this implementation the test becomes green.
But how about this:

public IEnumerable<MyClass> GetMyClassList()
    IEnumerable<MyClass> ret = null;
    var someSourceList = new int[] { 1 };
    ret = someSourceList.Select(i => new MyClass(i));
    return ret;

Now the test became red!


Because IEnumerable promises only a sequential access to items.

To items they contain.

In the first case these are items of a fixed array.

But in the second case the items are the values returned by a LINQ projection, which contains a mapping body.

When I call First() twice the IEnumerable‘s enumerator can only be recreated or Reset() and start over the evaluation. So the new MyClass(i) will run again and again resulting in different instances and failing test. And the resource friendly lazy evaluation may become shortly really bad too…

There is nothing new in the above, but in my head the parts of the explanation didnt connect to each other before.

But wait a minute! Is this meaning that when I use an IEnumerable I should known about its creation method?!?! This would break the basics or OOP!

No, I shouldnt known anything about it, just remember: IEnumerable only promises a sequential access to items!

When I consume it in a way that dont requires Reset() or enumerator recreation I need no extra steps:

var firstItem = result.First();

But when the consumption method results in multi-enumeration I should “fix” its items via explicit enumeration, for example:

var fixedResult = result.ToArray();

That allows You to use IEnumerable in a way it was designed and saves some ugly moments of You valuable life. 🙂

Misleading message

What You would do if You get the following result after running a unit test?

Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<2016.04.27. 8:22:52>. Actual:<2016.04.27. 8:22:52>.

My head was full with abstractions waiting to be coded, but the above result brings me in
unexpected state. Everything suspended and my eyes were scanning the two values character by
character repeatedly to find out what is the difference? Nothing!
A quick debug revealed that the values differ in milliseconds which are not shown in the message.

But what a misleading message! Maybe the difference should be emphasized somehow!
Because I lost my concentration, my flow, etc.
It was the same when You cannot work quietly because somebody always coming to You and asks
something. Anything. Applying the 8th point of the great article I found on Joel’s blog years before
to this situation: such messages are breaking down productivity and should be avoided.

Facebook SDK v4 behind a proxy

This is a really short note.

If You try to use this SDK behind a proxy e.g. in a Drupal site with simple_fb_connect module You may experience that the SDK wont honor Your proxy_server settings done sitewide. All requests try to go to FB servers directly and timing out. 🙁

I made the change below to workaround this.

--- facebook-php-sdk-v4/src/Facebook/HttpClients/FacebookCurlHttpClient.php.orig        2016-04-04 21:42:21.846561162 +0200
+++ facebook-php-sdk-v4/src/Facebook/HttpClients/FacebookCurlHttpClient.php     2016-04-04 21:55:18.024673677 +0200
@@ -178,6 +178,8 @@
       CURLOPT_CAINFO         => __DIR__ . '/certs/DigiCertHighAssuranceEVRootCA.pem',
+      CURLOPT_PROXY    => variable_get('proxy_server',''),
+      CURLOPT_PROXYPORT        => variable_get('proxy_port',''),

     if ($method !== 'GET') {

Now the requests going to the proxy.

I didnt found any other solutions on the Internet. This may mean that there is a trivial point somewhere for this setting which I didnt found or nobody used before that SDK behind proxy?

A bug hunting story

Today I found a bug. It was so interesting that I decided to write a longer post here about it.
I created a strip down solution with the only classes and methods I need to demonstrate the bug. This is the reason if the story wont seem too realistic.

A long long time ago I need a dictionary to store some integers with a key which was based on a string but has some other features (not shown here). So I created MyKey class for this:

public class MyKey
    private string key = null;

    public MyKey(string key)
        if (key == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("key");

        this.key = key;

    private int? hashCode = null;
    public override int GetHashCode()
        int ret = 0;

        if (hashCode == null)
            hashCode = this.key.GetHashCode();

        ret = hashCode.Value;

        return ret;

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        bool ret = false;

        MyKey other = obj as MyKey;
        if (other != null)
            ret = Equals(other);

        return ret;

    public bool Equals(MyKey other)
        bool ret = false;

        if (other != null)
            if (this.hashCode == other.hashCode)
                if (this.key == other.key)
                    ret = true;

        return ret;

    public override string ToString()
        string ret = String.Concat("\"", key, "\"");
        return ret;

It was used happily like this:

// create data
var data = new Dictionary&lt;MyKey, int>();
data[new MyKey("alma")] = 1;

Later I wrote some code to persist these data via serialization.
Everything was working like a charm.

// serialize and save it
var serializedData = Serializer.Serialize(data);


// load and deserialize data
var serializedData = LoadFromFile();
var data = Serializer.Deserialize(serializedData);

There was a usecase when after deserialization some of the values in data must be changed:

// as in deserialized data
var specificKey = new MyKey("alma");
if (data[specificKey] == 1) // a KeyNotFoundException occures here!
    data[specificKey] = 2;

KeyNotFoundException? I was sure that there should be a value in all of data instances with the given key! Lets see in QuickView:

There is an “alma” key!
Let’s comment out the line causing the exception and check data after the expected value modification to “2”:

Much more interesting isnt it?
I quickly put all the data creation, serialization, deserialization code into one unit test to have a working chunk of code I can use for bug hunting:

public void TestMethod1()
    var d = new Dictionary<mykey, int="">();
    d[new MyKey("alma")] = 1;

    var serialized = Serializer.Serialize(d);

    var data = Serializer.Deserialize(serialized);

    var specificKey = new MyKey("alma");
        data[specificKey] = 2;

But in the unit test everything was working! I simply cant reproduce the bug in such a way.
But when running App1, which was creating and serializing the data and running App2 which was deserializing and modifying it the bug always presents itself.
How can be a duplicate key in a Dictionary<,>? MyKey‘s implemetation, especially the Equals() override is so trivial that it cannot allow two instances created from
same string to be not equal.

But wait a minute!

How can the hashCode’s differ?!?!?!

Yes. A quick search on the net answers everything. MSDN clearly describes in a big “Important” box:

The hash code itself is not guaranteed to be stable. Hash codes for identical strings can differ across versions of the .NET Framework and across platforms (such as 32-bit and 64-bit) for a single version of the .NET Framework. In some cases, they can even differ by application domain.

As a result, hash codes should never be used outside of the application domain in which they were created, they should never be used as key fields in a collection, and they should never be persisted.

App1 was running in x86 and App2 in x64 environment. Thats why the string hashcodes differ.

The fix is really easy. Just turn off hashCode calculation optimalization for serialization:

public class MyKey

   private int? hashCode = null;

Now hashCode will be recalculated once in all runtime environments.

I never thought about the possibility of unstable hashcodes.
I hope I am not the only man in the world with such wasteful brain.